Your payment will be rejected if you do not provide the 16 digit account number.
Update the account number with the full 16 digit account number found on your most recent credit card or statement. If you want to make payments from your existing online bank account to pay Capital One, please make sure to update the payment information as follows. 12 Eligible membership credits will also transfer. If you were enrolled in the BJ’s Easy Renewal program, this has transferred to your new card, and your current membership fee for all memberships on your account, plus any applicable membership add-ons and tax, will be automatically billed to your new card on the first of the month in which your membership expires. See your first billing statement from Capital One for more information. Your balance and any promotional offers have converted automatically. There is a new payment mailing address and phone number, and your payment due date may have changed.

Please see "What changed about the way I make payments?" on the FAQ page for details on more ways to pay your bill. Once you have received your first statement from Capital One, you should mail payments to Capital One at the address listed on the payment coupon. Your Capital One Billing Statement will include a payment Coupon that can be mailed with your payment. Box 71087, Charlotte, NC 28272-1087 with your Capital One account information until you receive your first billing statement from Capital One. If you are mailing in your monthly payments, those can be mailed to Capital One, P.O.