
Visual spatial sketchpad
Visual spatial sketchpad

visual spatial sketchpad

But, generally, students can be sorted into the categories of high capacity working memory and low capacity working memory (3).

visual spatial sketchpad

There’s no way to officially determine the amount of cap space available for working memory (it’s not like you can calculate that a particular person has 1.21 gigawatts worth of memory space). It’s the general assumption that there’s no limit to the amount of memories we can contain, right? Well, working memory actually does have a capacity (2). Now, there’s a trick with working memory. A simple example of the function of working memory is when you solve a double-digit addition problem in your head you have to hold onto the remainder of the single digits added together while you solve the rest of the equation. Working memory is very similar to the familiar idea of short-term memory, but working memory is the portion of the memory processes where either new information, or information pulled from long-term memory, is manipulated and processed (1). Well, here’s the thing, that feeling that your brain is full, you have this concept called working memory to thank for that.


It feels like your brain is full you can’t possibly fit any more information in there. So you get to college and it feels like your brain is going to explode with all of the tasks you have to complete in addition to actually attending and paying attention in class.

visual spatial sketchpad

All those study methods and habits you thought worked so well don’t exactly compute with the oodles of homework, tests, and term projects piled on your plate. No matter where you go or what major you have, college is worlds away from any sort of high school education. You think that because high school was such a breeze that you must have stellar study habits and practices, right? You must have it all figured out already, right?

Visual spatial sketchpad